If you are a Radio Personality, then you know that content is king when it comes to doing a good show. We know that not everything needs to be “Late Breaking” news or “Celebrity Gossip”. We prefer to keep things topical or on theme. This service is great for Air Personalities who need to have show prep. 


$15.00 per month will grant you access to #TBJSPrePrep along with 24/7 access to our News RSS Server, news.pornaudiography.com that includes categories like “Off-beat News”“National News”“Lifestyle”“Music”, and much more (a username and password will be given after signing up). **In most areas, we may be able to add in your local / regional news.** 


When you sign up for this service, you will get access to custom sound works we create that you can download onto your smart devices or on your computer for your amusement and entertainment. Some of these things that can be used as ringtones, small bits, random left-overs, or crazy sounding pieces that make no sense whatsoever. You’ll have access to:

  • Dry pieces (Vocal Only);
  • Produced;
  • and #TBJSPrePrep
