Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Information teleported between two computer chips for the first time

Scientists at the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have achieved quantum teleportation between two computer chips for the first time. The team managed to send information from one chip to another instantly without them being physically or electronically connected, in a feat that opens the door for quantum computers and quantum internet. This kind of teleportation is made possible by a phenomenon called quantum entanglement, where two particles become so entwined with each other that they can “communicate” over long distances. Changing the properties of one particle will cause the other to instantly change too, no matter how much space separates the two of them. In essence, information is being teleported between them. Hypothetically, there’s no limit to the distance over which quantum teleportation can operate – and that raises some strange implications that puzzled even Einstein himself. Our current understanding of physics says that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, and yet, with quantum teleportation, information appears to break that speed limit. The team reported a teleportation success rate of 91 percent, and managed to perform some other functions that will be important for quantum computing. That includes entanglement swapping (where states can be passed between particles that have never directly interacted via a mediator), and entangling as many as four photons together. (New Atlas)


Meat alternatives are making friends among consumers — and enemies in the industry

Several U.S. states have passed laws restricting the use of words such as meat, burger or milk to animal products. The beef isn’t trivial: the market for meat alternatives could be worth $140 billion by the end of the decade, Barclays estimates. The real game-changer within the next 10 years? The arrival of cultured meat — grown in labs from animal cells without slaughter. That changes our very relationship to food and farming, and everyone in the business will be watching. (The Wall Street Journal)


Could big data end placebo trials?

Patients used to have to endure lengthy clinical trials without knowing if they were taking a new drug or just a placebo. But now, big data promises to offer some relief, Wired reports. Researchers are exploring using electronic health records of patients with similar profiles to those trialing the new drugs, rather than subjecting patients to “dummy” treatments. Some roadblocks: Health data is most comprehensive when collected by governments, which are slow to go electronic with records — and giving Big Pharma access will come with privacy concerns. (Wired)


Virtual and augmented reality will be among the biggest trends transforming retail next year

From virtually placing furniture in homes to trying on clothes and makeup, companies like Ikea, Sephora, L’Oréal and Tillys are already tapping the technologies for an immersive shopping experience. Expect more businesses to jump on the bandwagon to deepen customer engagement, lower return rates and adopt novel digital marketing methods. By 2020, 100 million consumers will shop in AR-powered retail and online stores worldwide, researchers estimates. (Forbes)


Become a winner by going to sleep

Well-known founders often extol the virtues of sleepless nights, but a new report suggests that’s not a recipe for success. In a series of three studies, researchers found that sleep-deprived entrepreneurs performed worse when they were asked to evaluate business ideas. They ignored important structural issues in some of the plans and ranked objectively worse ideas higher than the more-promising alternatives, for example. The researchers say the results suggest getting a good night’s sleep before making a big decision can change the fortunes of entrepreneurs. (Harvard Business Review)


People Are Cancelling Disney+ Since Star Wars: The Mandalorian Is Over

Star Wars achieved a major breakthrough success with The Mandalorian, the franchise’s first live-action television series. The hype surrounding The Mandalorian, combination of some key lines and scenes, plus the phenomenon that is Baby Yoda led to Mandalorian being a goldmine of quotables and memes, and no doubt it’s a hit within the Star Wars fandom. After The Mandalorian’s season finale, it seems that there’s a sector of the Disney+ user base who is ready to drop out. There are plenty of Disney+ subscribers who are being none too shy about taking to social media to let everyone interested know: they are done with Disney+! The Mandalorian is now so popular that people are willing to basically work the Disney+ free trial system just to see it. To bad it won’t work when season 2 (or all those Marvel series) finally arrive. On top of that, the opening of The Mandalorian season finale had a scene of two Stormtroopers abusing Baby Yoda. Clearly some fans just couldn’t get over it. (Comic Book)


Burger King Robbed, Suspect Arrested

According to the Fort Smith, Arkansas Police, a Burger King restaurant in Fort Smith was robbed this past Monday (12/30) morning. Police say just before 6:30 a.m., an armed 26-year-old man robbed the Burger King. According to police, the man later fell asleep at a MetroPCS store while intoxicated as he ws waiting to finalize the transaction on his newly purchased phone. The store notified Fort Smith Police and Davis was then taken into custody. The man is facing multiple charges including aggravated robbery, felon in possession of a firearm, simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms, leaving the scene of an accident, public intoxication and shoplifting. Police say approximately $3,000 was recovered from the robbery. (KFSM)


Interesting New Year Facts

1. The New Year celebrations concept actually dates back to 2000 BC when the Mesopotamians used to celebrate New Year!

2. January 1st as New Year was never a standard practice. Romans for instance celebrated March 1 as New Year. Some other cultures went for winter solstice or summer equinox.

3. The Roman Catholic Church was the one to adopt 1st January as New Year since January 1st was marked by Georgian Calendar.

4. January 1st was accepted as New Year in 46 BC by Julius Caesar. England and the American colonies of England adopted the date long time later in 1752.

5. The month of January derives its name from a two-faced God named Janus, who had one face looking forward while the other looked backward.

6. New Year is usually considered to be the best time for making resolutions, meaning people want to give up some bad habits and pick up some good habits but resolutions may not necessarily be about habits.

7. New Year gifts also date back to ancient times when the Persians used to gift eggs symbolizing productivity.

8. Traditions include eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s day and is believed to bring good luck in several parts of the United States.

9. The Estonian would eat 7, 9 or 12 meals on the eve of New Year, believing that eating that many meals will give them the strength of that many people in the year that follows.

10. Finnish people have a weird tradition which goes by the name molybdomancy. This is all about telling fortunes. A small amount of led is melted in a small pan using a small stove. The melted metal is then thrown into a bowl full of cold water. The liquid metal solidifies and the resulting shape of the solid metal is then analyzed in candle light to tell the fortune of a person in the coming year.

11. People of Denmark practice throwing dishes at the doorsteps of other people, believing this would bring many new friends to the person on whose doorsteps the dishes are thrown.

12. Denmark also has a custom of making an evening meal ending with Kransekage, a dessert which is actually a cone-shaped cake with a steep slope. The cake is then decorated with flags and firecrackers.

13. Spanish tradition is to eat 12 grapes at midnight of December 31st. While eating these grapes, Spaniards will make wishes. This tradition is believed to bring good luck for those who practice it. This grape eating tradition started back in 1895.

14. In Japan, the bells in Buddhist Temples are rung 108 times. They do this to welcome the God of New Year known as Toshigami.

15. Greek traditions include kremmida or onions hanging on their doors. They hang the onions on their doors on New Year’s Eve wishing their children’s goodwill.

16. Greeks also have the tradition of breaking pomegranates right at their doorsteps. This tradition is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

17. New Year’s Eve has a special name in Belgium as it is known as Sint Sylvester Vooranvond. People in this country toast with customary champagne and children write letters to godparents or parents on the day of New Year.

18. New Year is celebrated by several special foods in different countries. For example, in Southern US, Ireland, Germany and Italy leafy greens and legumes are associated with financial fortune.

19. Japanese eat long noodles on New Year. Long noodles signify long life.

20. In Portugal, Hungary, Austria and Cuba, pork is a standard New Year food and it signifies prosperity and progress.

21. Greece, Mexico and Netherlands go for ring-shaped pastries and cakes which signify that the year has come to a full circle.

22. For ancient Greeks, flooding of Nile every year marked the beginning of New Year.

23. The most common New Year resolutions include ‘quit smoking’, ‘lose weight’, ‘stay healthy and fit’, ‘save more money’ and ‘get (more) organized’.

24. Most English speakers traditionally sing the song ‘Auld Lang Syne’. It is actually a very old song from Scotland and was first published in 1796 poet Robert Burns in the book titled Scots Musical Museum. The literal translation of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ is ‘old long since’ and actually means ‘times gone by’.

25. The Dutch people launch fireworks and burn Christmas tree bonfires on street during the New Year Eve. The reason they do this is that burning Christmas tree bonfires signify purging of the old and launching fireworks refer to welcoming the new.

26. In the United States, the most popular tradition is that of dropping the New Year Ball in New York City’s Times Square exactly at 11:59 PM. The ball goes through a minute-long descent and hits the ground at the stroke of midnight.

27. The dropping of the New Year Ball is actually pretty new tradition that started only in 1907. Though currently the ball is made of Waterford Crystal, it was originally made of wood and iron.

28. America has another pretty popular New Year tradition, which is known as the Rose Bowl. The tradition started back in 1890 featuring the Rose Parade is California’s Pasadena. The parade features floats festooned with eighteen (18) million flowers.

29. In Australia’s Sydney Harbour, the shoreline stretching 40 miles is crowded by more than a million people just for watching the fireworks show.


Wednesday Comes Like A Divider With:

  • Copyright Law Day
  • Commitment Day
  • Ellis Island Day
  • Euro Day
  • First Foot Day
  • Global Family Day
  • Mummer’s Parade
  • New Years Day
  • New Year’s Dishonor List Day
  • Polar Bear Plunge or Swim Day
  • Public Domain Day
  • Rose Bowl Game
  • Tournament of Roses Parade Day
  • World Day of Peace
  • Z Day

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