Italian scientists say that an underground lake discovered on Mars two years ago is actually part of a network of lakes They estimate that the lake is between
A disaster has been declared in a Texan city after a brain-eating amoeba was found in their local water supply after tested after a six-year-old boy died as
Florida governor proposes college ‘bill of rights’ to party Governor Ron DeSantis thinks students who attend Florida’s 12 state universities should be able to socialize without worrying about
Gas engines in California going away? California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued an executive order requiring all new passenger vehicles sold in the most populous state to be
2020’s Happiest States in America According to a study conducted by WalletHub, the compared all 50 states and the District of Columbia across 32 different metrics to determine
Pandemic’s next shortage: homes The pandemic is making the U.S. housing crisis even worse, fueling a home-buying rush while simultaneously prompting many potential sellers to keep their homes
After a farmer suffered a heart attack, his neighbors banded together to harvest his crops A farmer was in the middle of harvesting his wheat and canola farm
Roku and Comcast reach agreement to carry Peacock on Roku Comcast and Roku have come to an agreement months after NBCUniversal’s Peacock streaming service launched. Peacock will be
Low-income students dropping out Higher education is facing a troubling trend amid the pandemic: Low-income students are the most likely to drop out or not enroll at all.
A Halloween fright for candy firms Candy makers are scrambling to find a safe way to restore Halloween this year to avoid losing a critical season for sales,
Now there is One After months of rumors that it was right around the corner, Apple’s subscription bundle has finally been announced. Dubbed Apple One, it combines multiple
TikTok will partner with Oracle in the United States after Microsoft loses bid TikTok and Oracle will become business partners in the United States in a deal meant
America’s oldest World War II veteran celebrates his 111th birthday This past weekend, Lawrence Brooks, the oldest known US veteran of World War II turned 111, and the
Postal Service offering $50,000 reward for info related to mail carrier shooting The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to the conviction
The founder of Jelly Belly jelly beans has launched a multi-state treasure hunt with multiple prices of $5,000 Ahead of the treasure hunts, organizers will send
Combine driver flips vehicle, arrested for drunk driving A man has been arrested for driving drunk after flipping a farming combine in a field near Berthold, North Dakota.
Alabama woman donates kidney to officer who locked her up A woman’s kidney donation has saved the life of an Alabama police officer who put her in jail.